Myths and reality


Braces are only for children or teenagers.


More than 20% of patients treated by an orthodontist are adults and this percentage continues to increase. It’s never too late to improve your smile.


Your family dentist is as good as an orthodontist.


Just like dentists, certified orthodontists have graduated in dentistry. They then completed two to three years of additional full-time training for an accredited university post-graduate degree in orthodontics. Orthodontists only practice orthodontics, master the latest technologies, and only treat patients with orthodontic problems. Certified orthodontists continue to take continuing education courses in the orthodontic field every year throughout their careers. They are the best-qualified professionals to advise you on the choice and application of the most appropriate technique to solve your orthodontic problem.


Certified orthodontists only deal with complex problems.


Orthodontists have been trained specifically to correct all orthodontic problems. Some dental alignment problems may seem at first sight simple or very complicated. The orthodontist certified through rigorous training is the best-qualified person to recognize and evaluate the complexity of your orthodontic problem. Give your orthodontist your trust, in cases simple or complex they have all the resources to optimally correct your smile.