Frequently Asked Questions

What is the importance of orthodontics and what are its benefits?

A certified orthodontist will not be limited to aligning your front teeth. They will position your teeth and jaws in the most optimal way to give you the brightest and most aesthetic smile. This beautiful smile will be an invaluable asset in your social and professional life. A pleasant smile is just one of the many benefits of orthodontic treatment. Properly aligned teeth make cleaning easier and reduce the risk of cavities and gum disease.The chewing and digestion of food will be improved and you will enjoy fresher breath.

What differentiates a certified orthodontist from a dentist who does orthodontics?

Your certified orthodontist practices orthodontics in an exclusive way. He does just that.To obtain the orthodontist title, he had to complete a minimum of two years full-time education at a university recognized by the Canadian Dental Association. Orthodontists also attend continuing education classes reserved just for them. A general dentist has attended various courses offered by private organizations that do not lead to any degree recognized by orthodontic associations.

What is the Quebec Association of Orthodontists?

The Quebec Association of Orthodontists brings together Quebec specialists in orthodontics who have training recognized by the authorities governing the dental profession. This group only accepts orthodontists with a minimum of 2 years of training at a North American university. This association is affiliated with the Canadian and American Association of Orthodontists. No other association in Quebec represents certified orthodontists.